22-0026 West Blocton Water System Improvements (DWSRF #FS010192-02) (nr)

The project consists of Contract A: Bishop Ridge Road Water Main Replacement; Contract B: Vernon Town Road Water Main Replacement; Contract C: Frog Level Road and Spring Water Source Valve Replacement & Flushing Assembly Installation; Contract D: County Road 9 District Water Meter Installation; Contract E: Town Tank and Smith Hill Tank Upgrades; Contract F: Spring Generator Replacement. There is one set of plans and specifications. The bid form is divided into separate contracts based on the type of work to be performed. Bidders have the option to bid on one contract, multiple contracts, or all contracts.
Addendum 1 (click to expand/collapse)
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Name Size
Addendum1-Specs 9.2 MB
Addendum 2 (click to expand/collapse)
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Name Size
0001-1 2.1 MB
0002-2 587.8 KB
0003-3 496.1 KB
0004-4 2.7 MB
0005-5 443.7 KB
0006-6 351.1 KB
0007-7 619.1 KB
0008-8 454.1 KB
0009-9 468.4 KB
0010-10 603.1 KB
0011-11 512.8 KB
0012-12 460.0 KB
0013-13 480.9 KB
0014-14 501.0 KB
0015-15 568.4 KB
0016-16 437.3 KB
0017-17 489.8 KB
0018-18 405.8 KB
0019-19 461.5 KB
0020-20 327.6 KB
0021-21 526.6 KB
0022-22 453.3 KB
0023-23 333.7 KB
0024-24 561.9 KB
0025-25 676.1 KB
0026-26 654.2 KB
0027-27 516.7 KB
0028-28 505.1 KB
0029-29 622.4 KB
Addendum2-Specs 8.5 MB
Addendum 3 (click to expand/collapse)
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Name Size
0014-14 469.1 KB
Addendum3-Specs 556.7 KB
Addendum 4 (click to expand/collapse)
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Name Size
Addendum4-Specs 151.1 KB